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How Speed Affects the Quality of Dental Care

August 10, 2021

How Speed Affects the Quality of Dental Care

Today, Dr. John Meis and Wendy Briggs are sharing an important lesson on how speed affects dental care. Counterintuitively, speed affects quality differently depending on the level of mastery of the dentist. In this video, Dr. Meis is sharing a story from dental school and the latest research to ensure you're delivering the very best care for patients.

The mindset you bring with you into the office every day affects everything. Watch this video to unpack your mindset around speed vs. quality.

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same-day dentistry masterclass

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Same-Day Dentistry Masterclass

In this 6-part masterclass training, Dr. John Meis and Wendy Briggs walk through how to turn holes in the schedule into profitable production.

When the entire team understands how this works, you can end a day with more production than you started with while providing patients with what they want most, convenience.

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